This is a
small rotation where you can download some Tenipuri (and in some cases non-Tenipuri) media files. These files are here only as samples and, thus, must be deleted after 24 hours.
Please buy the original cd's to support the artists and the series. This site won't take any responsibility on the visitors and what they do with the files they downloaded from here. Oh, yes,
DIRECT LINK IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. If you direct link to any of these files,
I WILL MAIM YOU AND SLOWLY KILL YOU. I hope I am being clear enough.
Catalog No.: NECA-30135
Date Of Release: 2005/06/15
Price: 3048yen
Movie OST
INUI SADAHARU - E=mc2 (Tsuda Kenjirou)
Catalog No.: NECA-30134
Date Of Release: 2005/06/03
Price: 2857yen
+ Inui Sadaharu - E=mc2 (megaupload link. It's supposed to last for as long as people are downloading so feel free to abuse it ;))
+ Inui Sadaharu - ID Track Special Disc (megaupload link. It's supposed to last for as long as people are downloading so feel free to abuse it ;))
Also, get Genius 302, Genius 303, Genius 304,
Genius 305,
Genius 306,
Genius 307,
Genius 308,
Genius 309, the latest manga chapters. Remember that these are Japanese scans and no translation is available.
And last, but not least, Rajipuri 160, Rajipuri 161, Rajipuri 162, Rajipuri 163 and Rajipuri 164.IMPORTANT!!!! If you're interested in getting the rajipuri as they come out, feel free to visit my livejournal every Sunday for a link.
And remember to check the
Los del Kawa latest single,
Macarena, available only in Ore-saMagazine!
Donate and get pretty scans and music.
Click here to learn more about the prizes.
You can mail me your request. However, if you don't follow the following instructions, your request will be ignored. Also,
don't bug me or any of the other staff of this site. If your request isn't uploaded you can do
nothing about it. In the end, it's up to me to decide what to share in this small rotation.
Send me (Datenshi Blue) an e-mail. The subject line must say "Rotation request". Any mail with a different subject line will be automatically ignored. Say your name (it's only polite that we identify ourselves before we
ask for a favor) and
ask only for one thing, whether it is a single or a full album. Any mail with more requests than one will be ignored. Do not abuse, or this section will go down fast as lightning.
And remember: the tagger is not to be used to ask for music. If it is, and I get pissed, this section will be shut down.